Har brygget en American Pale Ale og tenkte å spørre KI om forslag til tørrhumling for en god aroma med steinfrukt.
Basert på de 4 humlene jeg har i fryseren.
Spurte 3 forskjellige KI'er og fikk helt forskjellige svar.... overraskende.
Bru-1: 40% (dominant pineapple with subtle stone fruit and melon notes35)
Amarillo: 30% (strong peach and apricot character with citrus undertones16)
Galaxy: 20% (passionfruit and peach with hints of tropical fruit27)
Citra: 10% (adds complementary tropical and citrus notes to round out the blend
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Bru-1: 30% (Brings tropical fruits along with subtle peach/apricot notes.)
Amarillo: 40%(Strong stone fruit character, with peach and apricot aromas.)
Citra: 20% (Adds a bit of peach, though it’s mostly citrus, it works well when paired with Amarillo.)
Galaxy: 10%(Contributes more tropical fruit, but with subtle peach and apricot tones that complement the other hops.)
For More Stone Fruit/Peach:
Galaxy 35%
BRU-1 25%
Citra 25%
Amarillo 15%
Gikk for den som fattet seg i korthet. Så får vi se om en ukes tid....