Erstatning for Trident humle til neipa- chatgpt oppskrift :)

Hei. Jeg fikk en litt halvveis oppskrift på en neipa dvs jeg fikk bare humlene(Trident, Azacca og El Dorado)de brukte. Jeg fikk til å lage resten av oppskriften. Den ser veldig spennende ut, men Trident humle er ikke lett å få tak i her i norge, finnes det noen som ligner?
Oppskriften som chatgpt hostet opp er følgende:

Oppskrift på en fruktig og aromatisk New England IPA (NEIPA) med Trident, Azacca og El Dorado:

Tropisk Hazy IPA


Batchstørrelse: 20L
OG (Original Gravity): ~1.065
FG (Final Gravity): ~1.015
ABV: ~6.5%
IBU: ~30-35
Mesketemp: 67°C
Gjæring: 19-21°C

4.5 kg Pilsner malt
1.5 kg Flaket havre
0.5 kg Hvetemalt
0.3 kg Carahell (for litt sødme og fylde)

60 min: Ingen bitterhumle (whirlpool/dry hopping gir nok balanse)

Whirlpool @ 80°C: 20-30 min
25g Trident-Citra
25g Azacca
25g El Dorado

Dry hop dag 3-4:
30g Trident -Citra
30g Azacca
30g El Dorado

Dry hop dag 7 (optional):
20g Trident Citra
20g Azacca
20g El Dorado

Gjær: Imperial A38 Juice eller Wyeast 1318 London Ale III (for en juicy, hazy karakter) ( Kommer til å bruke ABE sin Fermoale New -E)

Fremgangsmåte: Mesk ved 67°C i 60 minutter for en fyldig kropp. Skyll og kok i 60 min, men tilsett humle kun i whirlpool for lavere bitterhet. Whirlpool på 80°C i 20-30 min for maksimal aroma.

Kjøl ned til 19°C og pitch gjæren.
Dry hoppes to ganger under gjæring for maksimal tropisk aroma.
Kaldkrasj etter 10-12 dager, karboner til 2.4-2.6 vol CO₂.
Resultat: En hazy, juicy IPA med smak av ananas, mango, fersken og sitrus!
Sist redigert:
Har ikke hørt om Trident før, men etter litt googling ser det ut til at det er en blanding av tre forskjellige humler, med Citra-dominans.

Jeg ville gått for Citra, det er en av de mest brukte IPA-humlene og vil også passe godt sammen med Azacca og El Dorado.
Har ikke hørt om Trident før, men etter litt googling ser det ut til at det er en blanding av tre forskjellige humler, med Citra-dominans.

Jeg ville gått for Citra, det er en av de mest brukte IPA-humlene og vil også passe godt sammen med Azacca og El Dorado.
Det var det jeg også fant ut. men alltid greit å sjekke med andre med mer erfaring.
Hva med å spørre chatgpt om hva du skal bytte den ut med?
Eller Grok.

In a New England IPA (NEIPA), if you're looking for a hop to substitute for Trident, you might consider **Citra** or **Mosaic**. Both hops are known for their fruity and tropical flavors which align well with the juicy, hazy profile characteristic of NEIPAs. Here's why:

- **Citra**: Known for its citrus and tropical fruit notes, Citra can bring a similar bright, juicy character to your beer. It often imparts flavors of grapefruit, lime, and tropical fruits like mango.

- **Mosaic**: This hop is celebrated for its complex aromatic profile that includes berry, stone fruit, and citrus, making it another excellent choice for maintaining the fruit-forward essence of a NEIPA.

Trident itself is a blend typically composed of Citra, Mosaic, and either El Dorado or Simcoe, so you're already in the ballpark with either of these suggestions. If you're aiming for a close match, combining Citra and Mosaic might give you the best approximation. However, if one of these hops is more readily available or aligns better with your brewing goals, using just one could work well too.

If you want to explore further or if these hops don't meet your exact flavor profile, you could also consider:

- **El Dorado**: Adds a unique blend of pear, watermelon, and stone fruit, which can be quite complementary in a NEIPA.
- **Galaxy** (from Australia): Known for its intense passionfruit, citrus, and peach flavors, which can add a unique twist to your brew.

Experimentation is key in brewing, so feel free to mix and match until you find your perfect hop combination.
Hva med å spørre chatgpt om hva du skal bytte den ut med?
Trident hops are known for their complex flavor profile, combining citrus, tropical fruit, and piney notes, with a balanced bitterness. If you're looking to replace Trident hops in an India Pale Ale, you could consider the following hops that offer similar characteristics:

  1. Citra – Offers strong citrus and tropical fruit flavors, especially lime, grapefruit, and passion fruit, which would make for a vibrant and fruity IPA.
  2. Mosaic – Known for its tropical fruit, citrus, and earthy pine notes, it can offer a similar complexity and bold character to Trident hops.
  3. Simcoe – Known for pine, citrus, and tropical fruit characteristics like apricot and mango, Simcoe would also complement the flavor profile you're seeking.
  4. Amarillo – It provides a balance of citrus and tropical fruit, often with floral and earthy undertones, which might be a good match for a Trident replacement.
  5. El Dorado – Often described as having tropical fruit flavors like pineapple, pear, and watermelon, with a bit of a floral note, this could be a great substitute for the tropical fruit elements of Trident.
  6. Sabro – This hop brings coconut, tropical fruit, and citrus flavors with a slight herbal note, making it a potential option for that complex, fruity punch Trident provides.
If you're looking for a good replacement, Citra or Mosaic would probably work best due to their similar tropical fruit and citrus profiles, but each of these hops will bring a slightly different nuance to the final beer. If you have access to a hop blend or are experimenting with multiple varieties, a combination of any of the above might give you the complexity you're looking for!
Og Deepseek.

When substituting Trident hops in a Tropical NEIPA, you'll want to choose a hop with a similar tropical, fruity, and slightly citrusy profile. Trident is known for its notes of tropical fruit, stone fruit, and a hint of pine, so here are some great alternatives:

1. **Mosaic** - Offers intense tropical fruit (mango, passionfruit, guava) and berry notes, making it a perfect substitute for Trident in a NEIPA.

2. **Citra** - Known for its strong citrus (lime, orange) and tropical fruit (lychee, mango) characteristics, Citra is a classic choice for NEIPAs.

3. **Galaxy** - Delivers bold passionfruit, peach, and citrus flavors, which align well with Trident's tropical profile.

4. **El Dorado** - Provides sweet tropical fruit (pineapple, mango) and stone fruit (peach) notes, complementing the style.

5. **Sabro** - Offers unique coconut, tropical fruit, and citrus flavors, adding complexity to the beer.

6. **Strata** - Features tropical fruit (pineapple, mango) and berry notes, with a touch of dankness, similar to Trident.

7. **Idaho 7** - Brings tropical fruit (pineapple, papaya) and citrus (grapefruit) with a slight herbal edge.

For a Tropical NEIPA, you can also consider blending hops to achieve a more complex flavor profile. For example, combining Citra and Mosaic or Galaxy and El Dorado can create a vibrant tropical character. Aim for late boil additions, whirlpool, and dry hopping to maximize the fruity, juicy qualities of these hops.
Og Deepseek.

When substituting Trident hops in a Tropical NEIPA, you'll want to choose a hop with a similar tropical, fruity, and slightly citrusy profile. Trident is known for its notes of tropical fruit, stone fruit, and a hint of pine, so here are some great alternatives:

1. **Mosaic** - Offers intense tropical fruit (mango, passionfruit, guava) and berry notes, making it a perfect substitute for Trident in a NEIPA.

2. **Citra** - Known for its strong citrus (lime, orange) and tropical fruit (lychee, mango) characteristics, Citra is a classic choice for NEIPAs.

3. **Galaxy** - Delivers bold passionfruit, peach, and citrus flavors, which align well with Trident's tropical profile.

4. **El Dorado** - Provides sweet tropical fruit (pineapple, mango) and stone fruit (peach) notes, complementing the style.

5. **Sabro** - Offers unique coconut, tropical fruit, and citrus flavors, adding complexity to the beer.

6. **Strata** - Features tropical fruit (pineapple, mango) and berry notes, with a touch of dankness, similar to Trident.

7. **Idaho 7** - Brings tropical fruit (pineapple, papaya) and citrus (grapefruit) with a slight herbal edge.

For a Tropical NEIPA, you can also consider blending hops to achieve a more complex flavor profile. For example, combining Citra and Mosaic or Galaxy and El Dorado can create a vibrant tropical character. Aim for late boil additions, whirlpool, and dry hopping to maximize the fruity, juicy qualities of these hops.
Du fikke ikke opp noen kinesisk humle altså ;)
Tenke å tilsette Kalsiumklorid og kalsiumsulfat i vannet i denne batchen (bor i Hurum-Asker) og vannet herer forholdsvis kalkfattig rundt 1,2-2mg/l, pH er normalt rundt 7. Har dere noen formening om mengde som er ok i gram for en batch på ca 20L?
Tenke å tilsette Kalsiumklorid og kalsiumsulfat i vannet i denne batchen (bor i Hurum-Asker) og vannet herer forholdsvis kalkfattig rundt 1,2-2mg/l, pH er normalt rundt 7. Har dere noen formening om mengde som er ok i gram for en batch på ca 20L?
Vi er vel mer eller mindre i NEIPA-land her, om du snakker om "hazy IPA". Så da skal du ha overvekt av klorid. 8 gram kalsiumklorid, og halvparten eller litt mindre med kalsiumsulfat? Eventuelt 10 gram og 2,5 gram, om du vil gå lenger i å vekte kloridet, og dermed tone ned bitterhet/tørrhet enda mer til fordel for "rundhet". Men du skal ha med litt sulfat - mener jeg, da:).
Er ikke 7,5 g/L tørrhumle ganske innfor da?
Ikke i følge egen erfaring og fra mange kommersielle eksempler. Bokset en NEIPA i går med 16g/l tørrhumle. Smaker definitivt mer enn når jeg har brukt mindre, men selvsagt det blir dårligere og dårligere utbytte per gram etterhvert.
Blir uansett en Hazy ipa med mye fruktsmak.Gir tilbakemelding når ting er på keg og drikkanes. Står nå i fermzillan og koser seg.