Curator clone (Klosterbrauere Ettaler,Germany)

Noen her som har brygget denne Bocken, mye arbeid med 3xdekoksjonsmesking, vet ikke om jeg tørr prøve den, hvis den attpåtil ikke skulle være god bock er det mye bortkastet arbeid og ingredienser.
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Curator clone (Klosterbrauere Ettaler,Germany)
(5gallon!/l9 l- alhgraln)
o G = 1 . 0 8 6 F G = 1 . 0 2 2

I B U = 5 6 S R M= 3 7 A B V = 8 . 3 % Thisdoppelbotkis muchdarker tdsl- ing thon others, u,ith massirearomas

and fiauors oflrui lcoke, port, fgs dnd raisins. Although ettremelV rich dnd thick, this beer is readi- lg drinkable uhich poses a dilem- ma afer o liter or so. 'l'here seem to be o lot of Geman bierkellars that hdl,e tilted, uneoenfloors!

14lb. 4 oz.16.5kg) Munich malt (20 "1.) 4lh. l2 oz.{2.2kg)N'lunichmalt(10"1.) 11oz.(0.31kg)(larafa@Speciallll malt 14 AAU Yakima Magnum hops


l0.aaozJ25g of 16%alphaacidsl Whitc l,absWl,P8:]3(Cerman Bock)yodst 0.75 cupscorn sugar

{for primingl

Stsp by Step
'[his is a threc mash syst{,m.Mash in

cofd wirh 2-2.5 q.Ab. 14.2-5.2 LkEl wstor. Bring up to 95'F {35 'C) with direct heat. Pull a third of the mash, boil for 30 minutcs. Add back to main mash to bring temperatureup to l3l 'F (55 'C). Repeat the decoction. Add back to main mash.which shouldbe at 146'F (63'C). Repeat decoction, boil longer than lirst two decoctions. Add back to main mash to raisetemperatureto 166'F (74'C). t-et
